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An assortment of self-initiated and assigned projects.

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"Crush" by richard siken |

poetry book re-design

A layout re-design I did of "Crush", a poetry collection. The black-and-white aesthetic is inspired by the original cover art.

As the original book has a plain design with no visuals aside from the cover, I decided to do digital photo collages to decorate the pages. All of the visuals included allude to the poems included (i.e. the motorbikes in the Table of Contents are references to the "You are Jeff" poem). Everything follows a black-and-white color palette as to stay faithful to the original cover design's monochromatic aesthetic.

karameru branding

Branding for my online business, where I design and sell stickers, sticky notes, notebooks, and other stationeries. The main mascot is Pudding, a white chinchilla. She is often featured alongside Karameru, the human mascot whom the shop is named after. As the shop name itself is the Japanese spelling for "caramel", I used caramel as an inspiration for my main color palette.


A mock album design for "ONEE", a fictional rock girlband comprised of the "big sisters" of Haikyuu.


Assignment for my Design 101 class during my summer course at Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong. The prompt was to design a travel poster. I decided to make one of the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana from the show Stranger Things, using retro vintage posters as my main inspiration.


Assignment for my Design 101 class during my summer course at Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong. I was to design a travel article layout as it would appear in a magazine, using photographs I have taken myself during our field trip to the Nan Lian Gardens.

Album Cover Re-Design

Assignment for my Design 101 class during my summer course at Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong. I was to design three album covers with a single color, two colors, and five colors. I chose blue for the single color, and created an illustration-based design. I also experimented with blending modes and layer adjustments in my two colored piece, where I chose red and blue to be my two colors. Lastly, I made a digital collage with the help of the pen tool for my five colored album design.


Cover design for my fanfiction, published on AO3.


My shirt design for WOKE HUMAN, a non-profit organization focused on bringing about social justice in Indonesia.

The image of bees collecting nectar is used as a metaphor for humans' hunger for knowledge. With this, we hope to encourage Indonesian citizens to stay aware of social issues going on in the country.

GHOST TOWN - instagram posts

Instagram post designs for "Ghost Town", a poem I wrote and illustrated.

Business Card Design

Assignment for my Computer Arts 100 class during my summer course at Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong. The prompt was to design a business card. I decided to make one for Krusty Krab, the fictional restaurant from Spongebob Squarepants. Instead of following the usual rectangular design of a business card, I experimented with a burger-shaped one instead.


Sticker designs and graphics for my online sticker shop.

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Re-brand

Assignment for my Design 101 class during my summer course at Savannah College of Art and Design, Hong Kong. I designed a logo re-branding for Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, a Chinese herbal medicine. I wanted to update the original logo that has not changed for decades and give it a modern twist, while still maintaining its traditional essence. This is achieved through a vector illustration portraying a Chinese mother feeding the cough syrup to her son—a nod to how the product is marketed under the brand name "Mother and Son brand" in Malaysia and Indonesia.


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